Towering at 6288 ft., Mt. Washington is the highest peak east of the Mississippi River. Each year, thousands of people get to the top by a variety of means, including hiking and driving. Enjoying the spectacular view without spending hours hiking up may seem like a time saver to some, but me? You couldn't pay me enough to skip the hike, because I believe the journey, not the destination, is the point.
A recent coaching session with a client brought that story to mind when she expressed frustration after observing that one of her competitors' business was well established after only a few months. As small- business entrepreneurs, some of us may look enviously at those who seem to go up the ladder of success with greater speed and wonder why we can't do the same.
In my client's case, it became clear after a little prodding that her competitor benefited from a 'sugar daddy', providing her with all the cash flow needed for her new business: She had taken the car ride up the mountain, while my client was still climbing up, frustrated and feeling defeated.
There's something to be said about getting your hands dirty and doing the grunt work yourself. I know my business inside and out - my clients, my market, my product, my competition, my suppliers, my industry - all of which comes only by actually doing it the long way.
Credibility in business comes partly from experience in successfully overcoming obstacles. Nobody wants to do business with someone who has always had it easy and never encountered a problem; such a person likely never would have had an occasion to use creativity in problem-solving or to develop strong customer service skills. Either way, this is not someone customers want to do business with in the long run.
Looking at the mountain ahead, the insecure part of us may whisper: "Can I really do this? Will my own legs really get me all the way up there?" The answer is yes, if you have the passion to take the necessary steps along the way, even if at times your back is killing you and you may not see the trail clearly.
Any hiker will attest to the importance of regular stops for rest and reorientation. So take a break, look back at how far you've come and take pride in the work you've done to get there.
Copyright. Cristina Favreau. All rights reserved.
Cristina Favreau specializes in helping passionate & motivated service professionals who love what they do, but struggle with marketing & self-promotion. Using the Get Clients NOW!(TM) program, she makes it easy to understand. Within 3 hours, she’ll help you identify where you’re stuck in the marketing process & come up with an action plan to gain immediate momentum. Join Cristina on her blog, The Savvy Entrepreneur, as she calls things the way she sees them at
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